Thursday, January 22, 2015


Chunguzi is a Swahili word meaning “curious.” It came from a conversation I had about a decade or so ago with a friend of mine. We were working together, doing training and coaching for companies and many of our conversations were spent examining ourselves, our motives, beliefs and lives. We decided we wanted a website and started tossing around ideas for a name, a name that would capture the essence of who we were and how we navigated life. Curious is a word that kept coming up and seemed to resonate with both of us. We were curious about ourselves, the world around us, the impact our words, thoughts and ideas had on ourselves and others. We realized that indeed, everything stems from curiosity. We can’t change or grow without asking questions. I have always been one to ask questions. I have always been fascinated and perhaps sometimes even obsessed with questioning things. The more the answers seem to elude me, the more I want to know.

That questioning has increased a lot over the past few years. Suddenly the things I read in books, learned in seminars and thought I had a grasp on were put to the test. I realized that I didn't know what I thought I did. I didn't believe what I told people I did. What I told myself I did. I had never really internalized the things I was learning, but instead I would focus on how I would teach others the same principles or methodologies. Then things happened in my life and everything was brought into question. It wasn't easy. It is rarely easy to look inward with honesty, to strip ourselves bare and take a look at ourselves under glaring light. In those moments, I forgot a lot of what I knew, turned by back on things I believed. Giving someone else advice is quite simple. Taking the advice, even when we know what is best can be excruciating.

Now, I find myself on the other side of that ocean, or at least on an island. Time alone will tell. I have been blogging for years and lately, I have wanted it to be something more. I do like writing funny stories, sharing my views on politics or current events and certainly, it was writing that helped me get through the intensity of the past few years. So I decided it was time to turn start something new and see where it goes. I want to have a blog written by me, written by others, where ideas on life, leadership, change and growth can be shared. A place where curiosity about life and the world around us can be explored not in a way that criticizes, but rather in a way that provokes learning and transformation.

I hope you like this new blog. I hope it makes you question things, inspires you and starts a conversation. So comment, contribute and share. I am curious where this blog will go, what it will become and who will be involved. So, when it came time to come up with a name, the first and only one that came to mind was “Chunguzi.”